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It sounds like a Utopia!

Is Utopia possible?

Yes. We often hear,” human beings are complicated,” “politics are dirty,” and “human problems can never be solved because we are all selfish.” The human being is complicated, but it has a built-in mechanism for self-preservation, self-correction and the capability of unconditional love.

Human needs are quite simple. We need food, water, air, sunshine, rest, physical activity, sexual gratification, physical comfort, security, being appreciated, honor, love, and freedom.

Many feel that Utopia is impossible because we have been conditioned to feel powerless. Actually, the ways to Utopia have been shown to us through the teachings of all the major religions - giving, kindness, trust and love - as well as from the experience of three major systems of governance – capitalism, socialism, and communism. All three have been adopted to serve humanity and we can learn from all of them.

It is through the combination of all three that we find our solution: capitalism (showing the power of individuals to better themselves); socialism (highlighting social responsibility, as we do not live in isolation and we all have to co-exist in a community); and communism (stressing that the truly needy must also be taken care of).

So, can it be achieved, really?

Absolutely, because we can build a future society where everyone will feel secure, not living in constant struggle to survive. Each of us can bring out the better qualities within us. Such as love for humanity, concern for others, trust and responsibility in a new secure environment. Also, because the key to the solution of our problems is in the “I..” I can make a difference. All it takes is to give out a small portion of what “I” am capable of; Utopia will loom in front of our eyes.

A simple first step, pass this message to people you know, let people know how simple it really is to make Hong Kong or the world better.

I welcome your comments and your valuable suggestions to help make Hong Kong better!

E-mail address:   info@betterhongkong.com

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