Most people can come up with literally hundreds and one excuses why they cannot help. Such as:
I am too busy now. Wait till I get my work done first.
I can’t be bothered; it does not concern me (directly).
Whatever I do is not going to make any difference.
Somebody else more capable than me will do it.
If I wait long enough, somebody else who take care of it.
I don’t want to be a martyr (bomb ash)
Let the government take care of it, it is their responsibility. I paid my tax already.
Let the politicians take care of it, after all, they are being elected to do If they just occupy the toilet and not shitting, take them down. That is how democracy work.
I am too tired, I have no energy left to do anything else but just trying to make a living.
Life is too short; I should enjoy it rather than wasting time on something else.
Making a living is difficult as it is why I should waste my time and money to help Hong Kong.
Let me take care of my children first.
Don’t worry; there will always be someone in this world who will do it when the situation become bad enough.
I need more help myself. I feel so miserable.
I have no time.
I have no money.
I am too lazy.
I am not a social activist.
I am not a politician.
I just want a peaceful living, I don’t want to stir up trouble. Stability and prosperity like we always say.
I have some difficult children in school; I need to devote all my time looking after them.
My parents are sick and they take up all my time and energy.
My children are always sick and they take up all my time and energy.
I go to church already.
I am a Buddhist.
I need to put all my time and energy to make and save more money so that I will not be poor when I get old and have no money to take care of my health problems.
Life is complicated as it is; don’t burden me with more problems that I cannot handle.
I am too upset with the problem in our world that I don’t want to have to confront them. I would rather not know. You see,”Ignorance is blessing.”
I am too old.
I am too young.
The problem is too big for me to handle.
The problem is not bad enough so far.
I rather play golf.
I rather eat with my money
My husband is going to retire in eight years, he will volunteer his time then.…………………………
I wouldn’t even bother to register to vote; politics is a farce in Hong Kong. Most of my friends won’t bother with the politics because they are have the means to side step the problems – send their kids to international school or boarding school aboard, pay to see whatever doctor they need.
I am not going to participate in the July 1 march so that I can be ready to bail you out when you get arrested.
Good Luck to you election campaign. (Meaning- You do, I watch.)
I am sure you can come up with more “good” reasons.
So, you may ask, can you give me just one good reason why I should help?