回想十七世紀時, 撰寫英國法律的柏威廉爵士曾說過:「法律越多,正義越少。」
請細心領悟這故事的內涵:〝諾亞方舟新傳 〞。
袁大明醫生 致意
The Story of "The New Noah's Art"
Do we really want our government to “look after” us with more new laws and regulations? Do we want our legislators busy passing new ordinances, regulations and laws to protect us? After all, isn’t it their job at the legislative council? That is why they are called legislators.
Hong Kong is catching up with other “developed” countries with more and more and more laws always in the name of protecting the public and in the process strangle the dynamic quality that made Hong Kong successful and prosperous in the past.
If we are truly educated, we can look after ourselves with smaller government.
Remember what Sir William Blackstone, the 17th century writer of Law of England, once said, “The more law, the less justice.”
Enjoy the story of “The New Noah’s Ark .”
Join Better Hong Kong Movement for a better Hong Kong.
Dr. Alexander Yuan