靈性 Spirituality
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靈性 Spirituality
VISION: A world where each person is free to experience directly his/her own unique sense of their inner spiritual nature without coercion or suppression.
Danger: A one-world authoritarian government or any particular religion becomes so powerful that they suppress the natural choice of any individual to freely experience their unique experience of spirituality.
Opportunity: Humans experience their spiritual nature as so interconnected with all species and with life itself, that war, deprivation and corruption become faint memories of a bygone era in the evolving consciousness of life on planet Earth and beyond.
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Antia Moorjani 親歷瀕死經驗
Anita為於香港土生土長的印藉港人,06年時被証實罹患末期癌症,在2月突然昏迷,送院之後被醫生認為活不過36小時。就在彌留之際,Anita感覺到自己的意識進入了一個特別的時空,她的靈魂脫出身體,她聽到身邊人的對話,然後她感受到被巨大的愛包圍。就在這種狀態之下,她明白到為什麼自己會得病、感覺到已逝去的父親以及朋友,並且感到自己與全部人連繫在一起、沒有時間的感覺等等… 最後,Anita面對兩個選選擇,一,留在這個地方;二,返回現世完成未完的約定,Anita選擇了回來,身體更奇蹟地以醫生都解釋不到的速度好轉。